Lyme eLearning training course for everyone working outdoors

30 minutes approx

Certificate valid for 3 years


An online Lyme Disease eLearning training is crucial for a diverse range of individuals, particularly those at risk of exposure to Lyme disease or responsible for public health and safety. This course is relevant for:

  1. Outdoor Enthusiasts, Hikers, campers, hunters, and outdoor workers who spend time in wooded or grassy areas where ticks, which can carry Lyme disease, are prevalent.

  2. Healthcare Professionals: Physicians, nurses, and medical practitioners should be well-versed in Lyme disease symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment, as they are often the first point of contact for infected patients.

  3. Public Health Workers, Individuals working in public health and epidemiology can benefit from the course to understand the disease's prevalence, risk factors, and preventive measures.

  4. Park Rangers and Land Managers, Those responsible for maintaining public parks, nature reserves, and recreational areas must be knowledgeable about Lyme disease to inform visitors and implement preventive measures.

  5. Pet Owners, Awareness of Lyme disease is essential for pet owners as animals can carry ticks into homes, potentially exposing humans to the disease.

  6. Parents and Educators, Awareness among parents and educators helps ensure that children engaging in outdoor activities are adequately protected from Lyme disease.

  7. First Responders, Firefighters, paramedics, and emergency medical personnel may encounter individuals with Lyme disease symptoms during their duties.

  8. Individuals in High-Risk Areas, People residing in or frequently visiting regions with a high prevalence of Lyme disease, such as parts of North America and Europe, should be well-informed about the disease's risks and preventive measures.

In summary, an online Lyme Disease eLearning training is valuable for anyone, from outdoor enthusiasts to healthcare professionals, who wants to understand, prevent, and effectively respond to this tick-borne illness.
