Purchase Training Credit

Credits can be used to enrol your colleagues on any echo3 health & safety training courses. Helping you comply with regulations and maintain a safe workplace.

Credits remain available to you until they are used. Colleagues can be assigned via their email, phone number or simply generate a code to pass onto them. Visit the courses page here to see how many credits each course requires.

Quote prices exclude VAT.

£60+ VAT

10 credits

£250+ VAT

50 credits

£450+ VAT

100 credits


Choose a monthly plan for the best value and to spread training costs. Cancel anytime. Credits added to your administrative account on the 1st of each month. Unused credits remain in your account.

£50 / per month

< 10 employees
10 credits per month

£140 / per month

Circa 30 employees
30 credits per month

£300 / per month

Circa 100 employees
100 credits per month